24 Vision System is a unique system providing a solution for precise and comprehensive quality control. It uses artificial intelligence with deep learning to understand what it should control and it does complex quality control for all defects in a production and configuration errors.

24 VISION SYSTEM is a solution of the future which will dramatically move forward and widen the possibilities for quality control.

The reliability of its system is more than 99%, which we have proven already with implemented projects. Its system can offer you the following service:

  • Eliminating the threat of undiscovered serial defects

  • Elimination of fines from the costumer

  • Savings operation cost

  • Elimination bottlenecks in production

  • Making production more efficient

24VS is designed mainly for Manufacturing Companies, with Just-In-Time and especially Just-In-Sequence production. That means, that almost each product on production line can have different properties.

Thanks to integration into the MES system, its system works with data in real time and knows exactly what product and configuration it should be on the production line and what needs to be checked in the given product.

We help human to feel safe by making production errors free.