EUTEC takes great pleasure to introduce to you all our Board Member of Ethics Commission — Dr. Laura Bechthold.
Dr. Laura Bechthold holds a B.A. in business administration (Zeppelin University), a Master of Business Research from LMU Munich, as well as a M.Sc. in Sustainability Science and Policy from Maastricht University. During her PhD, Laura was program coordinator and lecturer at the Munich Center for Digital Technology and Management.
As postdoctoral researcher at the Friedrichshafen Institute for Family Entrepreneurship at Zeppelin University, she works on questions regarding individual and organizational resilience in times of uncertainty, as well as decision paradigms of family entrepreneurs. As manager at Philoneos, she supports family firms in establishing structures for innovation and organizational transformation.
As a Board Member of Ethics Commission of EUTEC Chamber, she will be helping to build bridges between science and practice to foster an open dialogue and co-create solutions for an inclusive, sustainable and prospering society.