EUTEC would like to invite you to our German Chapter Digital Talk to be held on Thursday, July 9, 2020 starting from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CET on the topic of “Innovation through collaboration”. Through this talk, we will discuss how StartUps shall collaborate with SMEs to scale their business and achieve their success in the long term.
For this talk, we have also invited Bernhard Schindler as the key speaker. He experienced for himself how a strong network can drive and scale business while working in his first two StartUps. Strong network collaboration opened up the right sales channels and gave access to important contacts who then became partners and customers. Today he would like to pass on this guarantee of success to all entrepreneurs. Therefore, he founded SalsUp – a matching platform which provides a simple and flexible way for StartUps and SMEs to get together and to collaborate with each other for sustainable success.
The goal of every company is growth. Due to a lack of innovation and time that is therefore required, this often becomes a challenge for SMEs. Startups on the other hand often lack the right contacts and accelerators to scale. They also need access to smart capital, because money promises time that is urgently needed. Cooperation between those two parties promises long-term success – a perfect match!
Key Information:
DATE Thursday 9th of July 2020
TIME 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 am CET
LOCATION Microsoft Teams, invite link follows registration
SPEAKER Bernhard Schindler, Investor, CEO & Shareholder at SalsUp
MODERATOR Martina Hagebölling, Secretary General of EUTEC Lat Am Chapter