22 July – EU Tech Chamber China Chapter – Topic: 10 Recommendations to do business successfully in China

The previous decade, China has been one of the fastest growing economy in the world, not to mention that Europe and China are natural and long-standing partners, complementary in many aspects. China is the first major economy to resume growth since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. European companies have continued to regard China as an important market and an indispensable player, and have been ready to tap new potential in the post-pandemic era.

Yet many European companies fail to see the complexities of the Chinese market and how it’s not just about the process of entering China, but building successful relationships and operating in China over the long term. Some European investors also believe that foreign companies often deal with a non-transparent, inconsistent, and unpredictable set of rules that do not make it easy to do business in China.

We would like to highlight some of the key challenges for European companies when entering the Chinese market and to offer 10 practical recommendations.

  1. Understand the Chinese culture and business environment

  2. Be aware of the role of the Chinese government 

  3. Develop in-depth market entry and go-to-market strategies

  4. Be ready to go digital

  5. Choose the right Chinese platforms

  6. Understand regulatory issues

  7. Be aware of IP Challenges

  8. Create a well prepared and trained local team

  9. Look for long-term business relations

  10. Enter China with the right support

If you are going to the Chinese market, don’t miss out on the chance for a deep-dive understanding of the challenges and the practical recommendations.

Join EU Tech Chamber, China Chapter’s Digital Talk on July 22nd, Thursday,2021, 9am – 10:30 am (CET) on “10 Recommendations to do business successfully in China”.

Register now:


DATE               Thursday, July, 22, 2021

TIME                03:00 p.m.  – 04.30 pm CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center