Introducing our new Board Member: Efi Ben Artzy

The EU Tech Chamber takes great pleasure to welcome our EU Tech Advocate and Board Member Startup Commission Efi Ben Artzy ✔. For the last 20 years, Efi has been working both as a Manager and Consultant in various companies in #Israel#Europe, and the #UnitedStates and has a diverse background in companies’ excellence in various industries, such as #Manufacturing, Services, #Hightech#Healthcare#Startups, Etc.

He has been leading operational and business transformations to improve companies’ value to customers; Improving customer experience and success by implementing top-notch processes and better products. Efi is also a mentor at Google for Startups, and working with fintech, HR, marketing, gaming, impact, AI, and services startups to achieve innovation and better product development. As an #entrepreneur, he also established three companies of his own, while he is currently running his company Effective Improvement to coach companies and entrepreneurs during their Business Transformation.

A sincere welcome to the Chamber Family, we are looking forward to our journey together!