Smart cities play a crucial role in shaping sustainable urban development. A concept of ‘smart city’, however, cannot only provide innovative solutions for urban infrastructure, better public services, better use of urban resources but must also guide how people govern and make decisions so sustainable city development can be ensured.
Open data access, usage of digital technologies, and recent changes in city governance triggered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) pose new questions about the role and importance of data governance. Collecting, sharing and using sensitive data is starting to raise many governance concerns.
Here, the Smart Cities Council looks to explore how data governance can be used to support urban smart and sustainable development solutions. Join our upcoming Digital Panel on May 26th from 9 to 10 am CEST on the topic “Data Governance in Smart Cities” and register now:
DATE Wednesday, May 26, 2021
TIME 09:00 a.m. – 10.30 am CEST
LOCATION EU Tech Virtual Center